Thursday, January 3, 2019

Simple Fitness How-Tos

Work Your Abs
Try the canoe twist: Stand upright, feet apart. Lock fingers in a solid grip. Exhale, sweep hands, arms, shoulders, and chest to the left, like rowing a canoe. At the same time, lift the left knee up and to the right. Inhale, return to starting position. Exhale, do it to the right. Switch for 20 reps.
Get Perfect Posture on a Cardio Machine
The treadmill death grip can cut into your results. Hold on lightly.
Make Your Routine Stick
Keep exercise to 20- to 30-minute sessions, 2-3 days a week. Pick an easy place: home, outside, or at the gym. Track your progress. Reward yourself.
Beat Boredom
Try a new walking or biking route. Even using a different room for your workout can help keep it interesting.
Power Up Before You Start Moving
Make your pre-workout snack mostly carbs with some protein: half a bagel or a large banana with a little peanut butter.
Start Interval Training
Warm up for 5 minutes. Then push up the pace for 1 to 2 minutes. Return to your typical speed for 2 to 10 minutes and repeat for the length of your workout. As you get more fit, shorten the rest time and spend more time working harder.
Go from Walking to Running
Run 5 to 10 seconds out of every minute. Walk the rest of the minute. Gradually adjust the walk/run ratio as you get stronger.
Run Further
Boost your mileage by no more than 10% each week.
Train for a 5K
Pick a 5K race that is 2 to 3 months away. Start slowly, walking or jogging for 10-15 minutes during your first few workout sessions. Add a few minutes each week until you can run for at least 4 miles.

How to Check In With Your Body

Take the Pledge Test
If you can say the Pledge of Allegiance easily while working out, you're in your target aerobic zone. Gasping? Ease up a bit.
Know if You've Worked a Muscle Hard Enough
You've probably worked a muscle "to failure" if you feel burn in the muscle during the last few reps and you can't keep form.

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